It used to be the top 30 albums, but I decided to expand, as I discovered more good albums (20 or so). And as I say, 2008 had quite the delicious batch of chocolate brownie albums. These are not in exact order, from least to greatest, but you get the idea. Just 50 really good albums from the year 2008. Please enjoy.

50) Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing

49) Frightened Rabbit -
Midnight Organ Fight

48) Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping

47) Hot Chip - Made in the Dark

46) The Dandy Warhols -
...Earth to the Dandy Warhols...

45) Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid

44) The Walkmen - You & Me

43) Tyler Ramsey - A Long Dream
About Swimming Across the Sea

42) Dido - Safe Trip Home

41) Wildbirds & Peacedrums - Heartcore

40) Beck - Modern Guilt

39) Ra Ra Riot - The Rhumb Line

38) Say Hi -
The Wishes and the Glitch

37) Bears - Simple Machinery

36) Women - Women

35) Thee Oh Sees - The Master's Bedroom
Is Worth Spending a Night In

34) M83 - Saturdays=Youth

33) Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago

32) Be Your Own Pet - Get Awkward

31) Los Campesinos - Hold On Now, Youngster

30) Hercules and Love Affair -
Hercules and Love Affair

29) She & Him - Volume One

28) The Helio Sequence - Keep Your Eyes Ahead

27) Ponytail - Ice Cream Spiritual

26) Santigold - Santigold

25) Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours

24) Tobacco - Fucked Up Friends

23) Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend

22) The Tallest Man on Earth -
Shallow Grave

21) Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs

20) The Kills - Midnight Boom

19) Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles

18) Crystal Stilts - Alight of Night

17) The Morning Benders -
Talking Through Tin Cans

16) Atlas Sound - Let the Blind Lead
Those Who Cannot See

15) Times New Viking - Rip It Off

14) Marnie Stern - This is It and I am It
and He is It and She is It and
It is It and That is That

13) High Places - High Places

12) The Mae Shi - Hlllyh

11) Sigur Rós -
með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

10) The Dodos - Visiter

9) Deerhoof - Offend Maggie

8) TV On the Radio - Dear Science

7) Love Is All - A Hundred Things Keep Me Up At Night'

6) Beach House - Devotion

5) Department of Eagles - In Ear Park

4) Coldplay - Viva la Vida

3) Deerhunter - Microcastle

2) Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes

1) Shugo Tokumaru - Exit
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